Fill out the form below to sign up for HomeGauge Protect!

*Please note: HomeGauge Protect is available for home inspectors in all US states except California, Georgia, and Vermont.

By checking the box, you agree that the Inspection Guarantee will be automatically added to every residential inspection report uploaded by all inspectors at this company.

Inspectors will receive a confirmation email when each Inspection Guarantee policy is activated. If you need to return an Inspection Guarantee for a credit, you can do so via a link in the confirmation email. Returns must be made within 30 days from the purchase date for Protect 100 or 7 days for Protect 30 to receive a credit.

Your customer's policy information will be sent to their primary email address about 3 days after their report is published.

HomeGauge will bill inspectors in the Home Protect Inspection Guarantee program monthly on the 10th. The rates are $22 per policy for Protect 100 and $11 per policy for Protect 30. Any approved credits will be applied to the next billing cycle.

To prevent conflicts of interest, you cannot inspect your own home and submit a claim under HomeGauge Protect.

More details on the benefits of program can be found here: HomeGauge Protect